Nov 15, 2007

What do you need for start earning money

Homeless: So, what is this blog about? I have decided to create blog about “How to create blog, make it popular and make money on it? And I also want to buy a house in Miami, because its cold on the street))”, step by step I will describe all my moves. And we will know, is it possible to buy a house in Miami,using just money from internet.

Ok, I have started. What do I (or you) need for starting (if you dont have money)?:

1. Internet
2. Braines
3. Blog, it is easy, just create an account on, I will tell you how to do it in one of the next posts.
4. and a target. You need a target, dream or point, where you need to get with your blog or project. My target is to create good, popular blog and earn money for my Miami house ;)

This is a short list of staff you need to have.

Lets get started!!!

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